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Henna Goudzand

Henna Goudzand - foto Patricia Borger
Henna Goudzand - foto Patricia Borger

(Henna Goudzand Nahar, Surinam, 1953) studied in Surinam, The Netherlands and Belgium. She felt attracted to the political changes in 1980 in Surinam, but realised that it went off the rails. In 1988 she published the story De goede verwachting (The hopefull expectation), about an election campaign in the interior of Surinam. She contributed to the Surinam edition of the literary magazine De Gids. With Fré Meyer she edited a collection about myths in womens art, entitled Contrapunten: mythen in kunst van vrouwen: een impressie (Counterpoints, myths surrounding women's art: an impression), published by In de Knipscheer. In 1994 and 1996 she published (under pseudonym Amber Nahar) two childrenbooks. Henna Goudzand Nahar lives in Amsterdam and is teacher and freelance journalist. In 2005 she published her novel Hele dagen in de regen.

(WIN 2005)

Archive available for: Henna Goudzand

  • Winternachten 2006 – WINTERNACHT 2

    Tell me about Surinam

    In the small community of Surinam it is not easy to be critical. But nevertheless master story teller Rappa does it in a lighthearted, anecdotal way. He shares the stage with his fellow countrywoman Henna Goudzand. Her recently published novel Hele dagen in de regen (Days in the rain) describes the hypocrisy and intrigue in a remote Marron village. Before the writer could bring this story out, it was necessary to put a lot of distance between herself and the subject: only after many years and after moving to Amsterdam was she able to finish the novel. Dutch spoken.