Hans Verhagen
(Vlissingen, 1939) is a poet, journalist, programme maker and painter. He followed a musical and journalistic training and has worked since the age of seventien as a journalist for the daily and weekly press. From 1962 until 1966 he was editor of the magazines Gard Sivik and De Nieuwe Stijl. Not only is he well known as a writer, he also earned a reputation for his film and television programmes, such as 'Hoepla' (Whoops) en 'Het gat van Nederland' (the Dutch hole). In 1961 he made his debut with the collection of poems Anatomie van een Noorman (Anatomy of a Norseman), which he published on his own. Two years later his second collection Rozen & motoren (Roses & engines) was published by a recognized publisher. In 1968 appeared Sterren cirkels bellen (Stars circles bells) and in 1971 Duizenden zonsondergangen (Thousands of sunsets), which reveals Verhagen's capabilities as a romantic poet. Recently his latest work was published, entitled Moeder is een rover (Mother is a robber). For some years now he has been working as a succesful visual artist.
(WIN 2005)Archive available for: Hans Verhagen
Out of the bottomless foundations of this charnel kingdom
"Uit de bodemloze fundamenten van dit knekelrijk
rijst een nieuwe schijnwereld,
ontplooit zich leven à la opblaasboot."(out of the bottomless/ foundations of this/charnel kingdom/rises a new fake world/life unfolds/like a rubber dinghy). Thus according to Hans Verhagen in his collection of poems Eeuwige Vlam (Eternal flame). Hans Verhagen and the poets Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer and Frank Koenegracht will read from their recent work. Later this evening, this time with Gerrit Komrij, they will return with a satirical poem, written as an assignment for Winternachten. Dutch spoken.
Long live satirical poetry
Een Antwerpse Mis-pop
Een Swijn van den Bisschop
Derft hier komen raesen
En gnurcken, en knorren
En schelden, en morren
En kijven, en kauten
Met Rijmen vol fautenThis is how the poet W.G. Foquenbroch once wrote about an Antwerp bishop. The satirical poem has become less popular over the years. However, this is unfortunate, because the Dutch character lends itself very much to satire. Five poets each wrote a satirical poem on the Dutch character: Maria Barnas, Frank Koenegracht, Gerrit Komrij, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer and Hans Verhagen. They breath new life into this literary tradition. Chaired by Joyce Roodnat. Dutch spoken.