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Frank Kessler

is professor of film and television history at the University of Utrecht. He specialises in early film, particularly non-fiction, magical films and actors' bodies as a means of expression. Kessler was president of Domitor, an international club of fearly film fans. From 2004-2007 he directed the Institute for Media and Re/presentation and headed the department of Media and Cultural Science of the University of Utrecht. Kessler studied literature and film science and achieved his Ph.D. in film and performance science at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1987.

(WU 2012)

Archive available for: Frank Kessler

  • Winternachten 2012

    Film: Metropolis

    With: Frank Kessler

    (1927) by Fritz Lang. Now with the lost fragments found recently in Argentina! For almost 100 years Metropolis has been the source of inspiration for directors who do not shrink form dreaming, such as the makers of Star Wars, The Matrix and Blade Runner. With an introduction by prof. Frank Kessler. By courtesy of the Goethe Institute.