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Fatos Ipek-Demir

Fatos Ipek-Demir - foto Fatos Ipek-Demir
Fatos Ipek-Demir - foto Fatos Ipek-Demir

(1970, Izmir) is a daughter of Turkish immigrants from Greece. At the age of three she moved to Roosendaal, The Netherlands, with her parents. een dochter van Turkse migranten uit Griekenland. Op driejarige leeftijd verhuisde ze met haar ouders naar Roosendaal. She studied political science at the Institute for European Studies. From 2000 she works for E-Quality, a knowledge-center for emancipation, family and diversity. For years she has been fighting discrimination, and she is specialized in the area's of labour and care, social security and old age pensions. She has been involved in international projects (a.o. in the ILO) against women trade and European projects against age- gender- org ethnic discrimination. Since 2008 she is a manager at HOF, the organisation for the promotion of volunteer work in The Hague.


Archive available for: Fatos Ipek-Demir

  • Winternachten 2010 – Winternachten 1

    Wintercafé 3: Istanbul and the Cosmopolitan Future

    Where borders disappear, people draw new lines. Cosmopolitan cities, where many different people and cultures meet, give fertile ground to new artistic twilight zones. In an exchange programme between Amsterdam, Antwerp and Istanbul, writers look for the similarities, differences and developments of urban cultures. The Turkish writers Şeray Sahiner and Uğur Ziya Şimşek are now 'in residence' in Amsterdam. They will talk about Istanbul as a cosmopolitan transition area, about new borders, old laws and about which cultural dimensions they discover in The Netherlands. In Dutch