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Eva Meijer

Eva Meijer
Eva Meijer

(Netherlands, 1980) is a visual artist, philosopher, writer and singer-songwriter. After publishing short stories and poetry in Dutch literary magazines, her debut novel Het schuwste dier (The Shiest Animal), about coping with a sudden death, appeared in 2011. In Dagpauwoog (Day Peacock Eye, 2013), the protagonist lands in a grey area between idealism and terror due to a love of animals. Het vogelhuis (The Birdhouse, 2016) portrays the profound passion for birds of the British Gwendolen Howard. De soldaat was een dolfijn (The Soldier was a Dolphin), an essay about political animals, came out in 2017. In 2018, Meijer was awarded the Halewijn Prize for her oeuvre. After a philosophical treatise on depression, De grenzen van mijn taal (The Limits of my Language), the novel Voorwaarts (Onward), and the academic study When Animals Speak: Towards an Interspecies Democracy (all 2019), she published the 2020 novel De nieuwe rivier (The New River), a magical-realist murder mystery.

(WN 2021)

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