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Esmé Berkhout

Esmé Berkhout
Esmé Berkhout

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is belastingexpert bij Oxfam Novib, en houdt zich met name bezig met tax justice. 'Het is onaanvaardbaar dat grote bedrijven niet hun eerlijke aandeel aan belastingen betalen. Wereldwijd lopen overheden daardoor inkomsten mis, die hard nodig zijn om iets te doen aan de extreme ongelijkheid, en waar gezondheidszorg, onderwijs en andere publieke diensten verbeterd kunnen worden. Om het vertrouwen van burgers in het belastingstelsel te herstellen moet de EU aanvullende maatregelen nemen tegen belastingontwijking'

Archive available for: Esmé Berkhout

  • Welkom in belastingparadijs Nederland

    Welcome to Tax Haven The Netherlands

    With: Esmé Berkhout, George van Houts, Paul de Haan, Sheila Sitalsing

    Why is The Netherlands called a tax haven? What about the deals that the Dutch government makes with multinationals on taxes, and what are the consequences of these deals for poor countries?

    Journalist Sheila Sitalsing discussed this with a number of experts, including Esmé Berkhout of the Oxfam Novib Tax Justice campaign, with tax expert Paul de Haan, and with George van Houts, a Dutch theatre maker who is known for his productions on the financial crisis and the banking world. Together with people from the practice of tax negociations they gave us a picture of how these negociations go about, and why it works this way. Rich and poorer countries are competing - in an ever more free world market - to attract companies with attractive tax rulings. At the same time it costs these countries billions of euro's. Apple, Starbucks, and only just recent the German BASF are only a few examples of companies that make use of favourable tax rulings, made up by national goverments. What happens in those negociations with these companies? Who are the people who make these secret tax rulings, and what about the democratic control on this?

    A programme in Dutch. In co-production with Oxfam Novib.