Erich Zielinski
(Bonaire, 1942) in 2003 made a convincing debut with De Engelenbron (The Angel Well), a novel that takes place in the colourful old district of Otrabanda on Curaçao. Zielinski is the son of a German father and a Curaçaon mother and grew up on Curaçao. After studying in the Netherlands Zielinski returned to the Netherlands Antilles, working as a teacher. On Curaçao he finished his law studies and became a lawyer. He was founder and editor of the critical magazine Vitó , which, in the 1960s campaigned against the Netherlands Antillean establishment. In the earky 1970s he was for a short while chief editor of the former daily paper Beurs- en Nieuwsberichten.
(WIN 2004)Archive available for: Erich Zielinski
Krusa Laman - Teatro Luna Blou Curaçao
With: Boy Dap, Erich Zielinski, Gabeba Baderoon, Jennifer Martis, Jit Narain, Jopi Hart, Mario Kleinmoedig, Nukila Amal, Ramsey Nasr
An evening with prose readings, storytelling, poetry, interviews and music. With Gabeba Baderoon from South Africa, Ramsey Nasr from The Netherlands, writer Nukila Amal from Indonesia, poet Jit Narain from Suriname, and from Curaçao performer/musician Boy Dap, writers Jopi Hart and Erich Zielinski and actress Jennifer Martis. Mario Kleinmoedig hosts the evening. Part of the evening is a discussion with the authors on globalization: 'Writing at the Crossroads of Globalization and National Context'.
Gran Gala
With: Astra Singh, Celestine Raalte, Cynthia Mc Leod, Diana Ferrus, Dominique Martin, Eddy van der Hilst, Els Beerten, Erich Zielinski, Ismene Krishnadath, Jeffrey Quartier, Manon Uphoff, Shahz, Sweet Melody, Tan Lioe Ie
Een spetterend Gran Gala in Thalia, met de feestelijke bekendmaking van de winnaars van de schrijffestijnen, de wedstrijden die in het kader van het festival werden uitgeschreven. Onder meer voordrachten van werk van overleden dichters, kabra-gedichten, een soko-psalm van Switi Melodia en voordrachten van een reeks nationale en internationale auteurs. En alle bezoekers werden uitgenodigd om mee te doen met het dictee Sranantongo, dat onder leiding van Eddy van der Hilst en Cynthia McLeod gegeven werd.
Bookselling and signsessions
With: Diana Ferrus, Erich Zielinski, Manon Uphoff, Tan Lioe Ie
In Eftee Bookshop kwamen de schrijvers bijeen om hun werk te signeren. Hiermee kreeg het publiek de kans om in een ongedwongen sfeer kennis te maken met de auteurs en een blijvende herinnering aan een favoriete auteur aan te schaffen.
Presentation workshop short stories
With: Els Beerten, Erich Zielinski, Manon Uphoff
De korte verhalen van Manon Uphoff worden gerekend tot de beste uit de Nederlandse literatuur. Ze heeft ook een reputatie hoog te houden als leider van schrijfworkshops. Zij en de Vlaamse schrijfster Els Beerten gaven tijdens het festival elk een workshop korte verhalen schrijven. De resultaten van de workshops werden vanavond ten gehore gebracht. Leren schrijven betekent ook omgaan met reacties van anderen op het werk. Schrijver Erich Zielinski uit Curaçao en het publiek gaven hun reacties op het nieuw geschreven werk.
Opening programme
With: Alphons Levens, Ashna Phoelsingh, Celestine Raalte, Diana Ferrus, Elly Purperhart, Els Beerten, Erich Zielinski, Guyz Nextdoor, Ifna Vrede, Ismene Krishnadath, Jit Narain, Manon Uphoff, Norma Bouterse, Robin Anoewarte, Roué Hupsel, Soecy Gummels, Sombra, Tan Lioe Ie, Tessa Leuwsha
De openingsavond van het internationaal literatuurfestival bestond uit korte optredens van een groot aantal schrijvers uit binnen- en buitenland. De muzikale omlijsting was van de groep Guys Next Door. Ismene Krishnadath, voorzitter van de Schrijversgroep '77, opende het festival.
Surinam and the Antilles: should aid workers go?
With: Erich Zielinski, Gilbert Wawoe, Joanna Werners, John Jansen van Galen, Ronald Julen, Ruben Severina
In this public debate a closer look is taken at the development cooperation between the Netherlands, Surinam and the Antilles. This phenomenon takes many different forms: governmental development cooperation, the help offered by Dutch, Surinam and Antillean private organisations, and the private help, such as money or goods, sent to family and friends overseas. Is there a question of addiction to this aid and if so, what is the best way to kick the habit?
Supporters and opponents face up to one another: Gilbert Wawoe, Joanna Werners, Erich Zielinski, John Jansen van Galen and Ronald Julen. The chairman of this debate is Ruben Severina (chairman of the Movimentu Antiano Arubano pa Participashon Politico). To start the discussion Gilbert Wawoe, member of the Council of State, will give a short introduction. On his initiative the private help organisations were convened recently in order to bring them up to date regarding the poverty and social development on the Antilles.The report about a new aid structure, made for the Kingdom of the Netherlands by the Jesserun committee, will also be discussed.
Dutch spoken -
VPRO De Avonden - live from Winternachten
In the second hour of this live broadcast from Winternachten, Wim Brands and Roel Bentz van den Berg present the Dutch poet Alfred Schaffer, Erich Zielinski from Curaçao who made his debut later in life, the South African poet Diana Ferrus and the Dutch writer Thomas Verbogt. Zielinski wil talk about his much praised De Engelenbron (The Angels well), Ferrus will recite some of her Afrikaans poetry, and Alfred Schaffer, who only yesterday re-emigrated from South Africa, will recite some of his poems. De Avonden (The Evenings) is an informative cultural radio programme from the VPRO. It can be listened to on weekdays between 21.00 to 23.00 on 747AM.
Dutch spoken -
Empty handed I went to sleep. A new sound from the Antilles.
'The first worthy follower to Frank Martinus Arion's Dubbelspel ' (Double play), wrote Michiel van Kempen in his review of the exciting debut novel of Erich Zielinski from Curaçao. De Engelenbron (The Angel well) takes place in the colorful, extravagant, hotblooded Caribbean atmosphere of Otrabanda. He will perform with Walter Palm, one of the most important, modern Antillean poets. Zielinski writes poems in Papiamentu, Dutch and English, with an extremely precise use of words and rich in imagery. He will read amongst others from his collection of poems Empty handed I went to sleep and woke up with a poem. The discussion which follows is chaired by Tanja Jadnanansing.
Dutch spoken