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Emine Sevgi Özdamar

Emine Özdamar tijdens Winternachten 2005 - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Emine Özdamar tijdens Winternachten 2005 - foto Serge Ligtenberg

(1946) is a German-Turkish writer. She attended the theatre school in Istanbul and following that joined the Volkbühne (popular theatre) in East Berlin. She has performed in Paris, played in films and developed as an author. In 1991 she received for her literary work the Ingeborg Bachmann Preis. Publising house De Geus published three of her books: Het leven is een karavanserai (Life is a caravan)(1995), Moedertong (Mother tongue)(1996) en De brug van de Gouden hoorn (The bridge of the golden horn) (1998). In November 2004 she was awarded the prestigious Heinrich von Kleist prize. Her novels Seltsame Sterne starren zu Ende en Der Hof im Spiegel have not yet been published in the Netherlands.
WIN 2005

Archive available for: Emine Sevgi Özdamar

  • Winternachten 2005 – WINTERNACHT 1

    The unfamiliar and the familiar

    Two writerson the unfamiliar and the familiar. In Margriet de Moor's case it is often about the confrontation between her own traditions and detachment. In the case of the Turkish-German Emine Özdamar it is all about movement and the search for stability in new surroundings. One came as a child from Turkey to Germany and playing and writing won for herself a place in a strange society and culture. The other is through and through tied to the Dutch culture, but through music and literature found a way out. Özdamar became well known for her novel Het leven is een karavansarai (Life is a caravan). Since then her reputation as a writer has grown. In November 2004 she was awarded the prestigious Von Kleist prize. Margriet de Moor, athor of an impressive oevre and receiver of many awards, has become one of the most read Dutch writers in Germany. Her novels Op de rug gezien (Seen from behind) (1988), Eerst grijs dan wit dan blauw (First grey then white then blue) (1991) and Kreutzersonate, een liefdesverhaal (Kreutzer sonata, a lovestory) have also appeared in German translation. At the end of this programme the Turkish author Asli Erdogan, who was interviewed earlier in the evening by Margot Dijkgraaf, will give a short recitation.
    German spoken