Elianne van Elderen

(1997) graduated in Creative Writing from ArtEZ with the collection Geef geen namen aan koeien die je van plan bent te slachten (Don't Name Cows That You Plan to Slaughter). The volume consists of poems, fragments, short stories, catalogues, route descriptions and lists. While she mainly writes poetry and short stories (about children who murder their guinea pigs, glow-in-the-dark minigolf courses, the time she tried to draw Stephen Hawking on someone's plaster cast, and bike rides along the meat-processing plant in her native village in Brabant), she also experiments with combining text, image and other art forms. She researched whether it is possible to teach yourself to be obsessive, for which she spent 80 hours embroidering a text on a tent, resulting in an art installation that was exhibited at a poetry event. She also regularly appears on (literary) stages at festivals and events throughout the Netherlands. In 2020 she came in second in Write Now! and third in De (Turing) Poetry Contest.
(WN 2022)Archive available for: Elianne van Elderen
Women, meat and women's flesh - with Agustina Bazterrica, Roanne van Voorst, Elianne van Elderen and Gwen Stok
What is the connection between women's bodies and flesh? Both are widely objectified - in advertising, film and language use. Is there also, then, a possible link between the consumption of meat and the objectification of the female body? Argentinian author Agustina Bazterrica and Dutch anthropologiest and writer Roanne van Voorst have both written highly intriguing books about this connection. During Meat:Woman they discussed this with each other.
Agustina Bazterrica makes the connection between woman and meat in her novel Tender is the Flesh. In a dystopian Argentina, cannibalism is legal and people eat their fellows - those that are least visible, anyway. Roanne van Vorst wrote Ooit aten we dieren (Once Upon a Time We Ate Animals), an investigation into the future of food that's a must-read for vegetarians, vegans and meat-eaters; in Van Voorst's future, we no longer eat any meat at all. Two totally different narratives, yet we'll discover whether the authors are perhaps driven by the same impulse.
Commissioned by Winternachten Festival, new talent Elianne van Elderen got inspired by the work of illustrator Gwen Stok, who made three extra drawings with reference to Bazterrica's work.
Want to get in the mood? Listen to the podcast Short guide to: Meat, in which programmer Joëlle Koorneef talks to Ruth Ozeki, the Japanese-American author who has written about meat like no other. My Year of Meats is a humorous yet highly critical novel about the meat industry, among other subjets, which made a huge impact in 2000.English spoken.