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EKM Dido

EKM Dido
EKM Dido

(Tsomo, East Cape, South Africa) studied nursing and became a nurse and a nursing tutor in Cape Town. With her debut novel Die Storie van Monica Peters (The story of Monica Peters), she became in 1966 the first coloured woman to have published a novel in Afrikaans. In 1997 her novel Rugdraai en stilbly appeared. Her book 'n Stringetjie blou krale (A string of blue beads), which appeared in 2000, ensured her real breakthrough. Die Onsigbares (The invisible ones) (2003), is her latest novel and has been enthousiastically received everywhere. Her short stories appeared on Litnet , literary magazine on internet. Alongside this My lewe op 'n wipplank (My life on a see-saw) was included in Briewe deur die lug: Litnet-skrywersberaad 2000 (Letters in the air: Litnet-writers consultation); 'n Nuwe ID (A new ID) appeared in Die stukke wat ons sny (The parts that cut us) – Twintig nuwe Afrikaanse verhale (Twenty new Afrikaans stories); Die Prediker (The preacher) in Douspoor, and Baby in Stroomversnelling and in the English translation In the rapids . Dido is not only a writer but also a part time nurse.
KWELA 2003

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