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Edward van de Vendel

Edward van de Vendel - foto Jota Chabel
Edward van de Vendel - foto Jota Chabel

(Netherlands, 1964) published, in collaboration with many illustrators, an extensive, highly acclaimed and awarded oeuvre comprising poems, children's and young adult's novels, drama, non-fiction, songs and texts for picture books. He makes podcasts and started the publishing company Blauw Gras. He does not shy away from heavier themes in his work. In 2008 he started the Slash series: books based on true stories of young people who have already been through a lot, with De Gelukvinder (The Luck Finder), about a boy from Afghanistan fleeing the Taliban. In 2020 he initiated Querido Glow, a book series in which young people who identify as queer can recognize themselves. Translations of his works are available in many countries.

(WU 2025)

Archive available for: Edward van de Vendel

  • De kracht van kinderboeken

    The power of children's books

    With: Brian Elstak, Edward van de Vendel, Jellie Brouwer

    Through reading, children learn to relax, dream away and gain knowledge. Writers Unlimited presented Wednesday 12 October 2022 in the Writers Series during Kinderboekenweek (Children's Books Week, 5-12 october 2022), for an adult audience, a probing conversation with two great children's book authors: Edward van de Vendel and Brian Elstak. How do they look at their work and especially their societal role? What is the impact of their books and how do their experiences differ?

    Edward van de Vendel has written many book and poems for children and young adults, such as Vosje (Little Fox), his Tycho and Oliver series, the book Gloei (Glow) with stories by lhbtiqa+ youngsters and the Zilveren Griffel en Bronzen Penseel 2022 award-winning Rekenen voor je leven (Calculating for your life). Certainly also irresistible is his Wat je moet doen als je over een nijlpaard struikelt: gedichten waar je wat aan hebt (What to do if you trip over a hippopotamus: useful poems), with illustrations by Martijn van der Linden.

    Brian Elstak is a visual artist, graphic novelist and illustrator of children's books. For his stories, music videos and arts installations, he uses a visual language that refers to hip-hop culture, video games and social issues. November 2022 sees the publication of Lobi, featuring new adventures of Cel, Bones and Zi, known and loved from his books Tori (written with Karin Amatmoekrim) and Trobi (like Lobi, written with Esther Duysker). Brian participated 2022 in Documenta 15 with The Black Archives and founded the artist collective Lowrey Foley McClane.

    Moderator and journalist Jellie Brouwer, known among other things as presenter and interviewer of the national radio network NPO programme Kunststof, knows better than anyone else how to ask the right question at the right time!

    Programme compiled by Joëlle Koorneef (Writers Unlimited).
    Book sale: De Vries Van Stockum Boeken.

    Addres info Zaal 3: De Constant Rebecqueplein 20A, Den Haag

  • Winternachten 2016

    Writers' Fest

    With: Aad Meinderts, Adriaan van Dis, Anna Woltz, Annelies Verbeke, Dick van der Harst, Edward van de Vendel, Femke Halsema, Francis Broekhuijsen, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Job Cohen, Joris Wijsmuller, Lamin Kuyateh, Michael Krüger, Rodaan Al Galidi, Typhoon

    A festive event built around the presentation of the Jan Campert Prizes, the literary awards of the City of The Hague. In collaboration with the Jan Campert Foundation and the Dutch Foundation for Literature, Dutch literature is celebrated with various performances by writers, poets, and representatives of other disciplines (who honour the winners). The event is intended, in part, to highlight the state of Dutch literature. The afternoon culminates in the presentation of the Constantijn Huygens Prize for a whole body of work, which this year is awarded to Adriaan van Dis, beloved author and a great friend of the festival since day one. In Dutch