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Ed van Eeden

Ed van Eeden - Winternachten 2002 - foto Serge Ligtenberg
Ed van Eeden - Winternachten 2002 - foto Serge Ligtenberg

(Nijmegen, 1957). De vogelspin (The bird spider) is his first novel. In April 2000 the thriller Dossier Jeugdbende (File: Juvenile Gangs) was published, the first part of a series District Noord. Part two, Dossier Gifmoord (File: Poison Murder) was published a year later. He studied Dutch language and literature, Philosophy and Comparative Literature and works as a freelance literary journalist, writer and translator (Amin Maalouf, John Updike, among authors). He worked for Boekblad and writes for Ook dat nog (KRO Dutch television). Under the pseudonym Steven Klamm he writes horror stories for children.

Archive available for: Ed van Eeden

  • Winternachten 2003 – Winternacht 2

    The Undutchables

    Actors/writers Kees van Kooten and Herman Koch discuss old and new clichees on the Dutch, together with our concience from Flanders, writer Geert van Istendael. Moderated by writer Ed van Eeden.

  • Tournee NL 2003

    Winternachten Tilburg

    With: Ed van Eeden, Etienne van Heerden, Kader Abdolah, Quito Nicolaas

    An evening with the South-African writer Etienne van Heerden, the Aruban poet Quito Nicolaas and the Dutch-Iranian writer Kader Abdolah. On their image of Holland. Moderated by Ed van Eeden. Dutch spoken.

    Tickets 013 4561111

  • Winternachten 2002 – Winternacht 2

    Every Bakra his Own Mistress

    To add a little color to a very Dutch relation, teacher Theo from the Dutch town Hoorn, begins a relationship with a Surinam woman in Joost Zwagerman's novel De buitenvrouw (The Mistress). Surinam writer and teacher Annel de Noré, Frank Martinus Arion (Curaçao) and Zwagerman discussed these notions with the theme of the novel as a starting point. Dutch spoken.

  • Winternachten 2002 – Winternacht 1

    The State of Passion and Love

    'I tell you, love is a chemical reaction, with an inevitable bad ending'. With these words Gerrit Komrij opened this festival. His sermon was the starting point of a conversation on passion and love, between writer Connie Palmen and 'Happy Hooker' Xaviera Hollander. In the last minutes of this programme, jazz-singer Denise Jannah talked about the way she set four love poems to music. The poems were selected for her by Gerrit Komrij. Dutch spoken.

  • Winternachten 2002 – Winternacht 2

    Sex on paper

    'The sweetest margerine-advertising I ever heard,' responded writer Stephan Sanders to the sex-scene just his collegue Ronald Giphart just read from his work. 'Sex of men above fourty is disgusting', was one of Gipharts remarks. With Manon Uphoff, we had three trend setters when talking about putting sex to paper. Dutch spoken.

  • Tournee NL 2002

    Winternachten Den Bosch

    With: Annel de Noré, Antjie Krog, Ayu Utami, Ed van Eeden, Hagar Peeters

    How do women write about love? Female writers from four continents spoke about the way they describe passion and love in their prose and poetry. "Love builds itself a Hell, in spite of Heaven.", writes Annel de Noré from Surinam. "An end to writing poetry on love for today", states poet Hagar Peeters, when writing threatens to replace love itself. An evening in Theater Bis in Den Bosch.

  • Tournee NL 2002

    Winternachten Tilburg

    With: Ed van Eeden, Frank Martinus Arion, Joko Pinurbo, Roland Colastica, Ronald Giphart

    "Many of the problems in the Antilles would be solved if men would understand more about female sexuality", says writer Frank Martinus Arion, famous for his novel Double Play. An evening in Bookshop Gianotten on passion and love in literature in Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the Antilles.

  • Tournee NL 2002

    Winternachten Utrecht

    With: Annel de Noré, Ayu Utami, Ed van Eeden, Frank Martinus Arion, Manon Uphoff

    Love builds itself a Hell, in spite of Heaven. This motto of the Surinamese writer Annel de Noré sounds wonderful, but wouldn't we all like to know what that hell would look like? Does the underworld know its limits, geografical and sexual? Does it acknowledge traditions and cultural differences, and, above all, is everyone allowed to do it with everyone else or is this hell a place of sexual abstainers? Four authors from four continents discussed these questions. An evening in Boekhandel Broese, organized in co-operation with Stichting Literaire Activiteiten Utrecht.

  • Winternachten 2001 – Winternacht 2

    Always on the Move

    When we talk about diaspora, the first thing that comes to mind is the Jewish diaspora. No other people in history has been hunted so much. In what way do present-day Jewish writers deal with this old - and probably most extensively elaborated - theme? Host: Ed van Eeden (Dutch spoken).

  • Winternachten 2001 – Winternacht 2

    Connected through slavery and colonialism

    Ellen Ombre, the venomously and precisely observing Surinamese-Dutch writer, poet Lasana M. Sekou of St Maarten, and Netherlands-based Liberian writer Vamba Sherif, share a common offspring. The West African history of slavery and colonialism ties up these writers, born so far apart. Hosted by Ed van Eeden (Dutch spoken).