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Gary Gravenbeek a.k.a. Duimalot
Gary Gravenbeek a.k.a. Duimalot

(Utrecht, 1995), real name Gary Gravenbeek, is an artist with a focus on music, theatre and dance. He has been rapping and dancing since he was seven years old. During high school, he chose dance as his training, while he remained active in the hip-hop scene, winning FunX's Basement Battles seven times, among others. His career in the theatre scene brought him successes such as the Zilveren Krekel Prize for Bloedlink and a role as choreographer and performer in Het Nationale Theater's Trojan Wars. With the release of the singles Zicht and OPGKRPT, and his debut EP Vriendendienst (2023), he has shifted his focus to music, while remaining active on both theatre and music stages with the core principles: creativity, musicality and impulsiveness.


Archive available for: Duimalot

  • Writers Unlimited 2025

    Mensen Zeggen Dingen x Writers Unlimited Festival

    With: Damaris, Dean Bowen, Duimalot, George Abraham, Hasan Gök, Rosabelle Illes, Sabina Lukovic

    Writers Unlimited Festival and Mensen Zeggen Dingen - platform for poetry and performance - joined forces and words! In GR8 Theater, we brought you a party full of poetry, poetry slam, prose and punchlines with a musical note. Besides Dutch spoken-word artists Sabina Lukovic, Duimalot, Hasan Gök and Damaris, two of the festival's international authors let their voices be heard: George Abraham (United States) and Rosabelle Illes (Aurba). Host: Dean Bowen!

    Festival tip: you headed to the festival opening at Theater aan het Spui on Thursday night 23 January first! From 19:30, saw performances and readings by Ukraine's leading writer Andrei Kurchov, British author/stand-up comedian Viv Groskop and South African writer Resoketswe Manenzhe, among others. Afterwards, with anyone who wants to join us, we took a 'spoken word walk' (of around 15 minutes) to GR8 to arrive in time for the start of Mensen Zeggen Dingen x Writers Unlimited Festival, On our way there we made a couple of short stops to watch performances by poet and spoken word artist Hasan Gök.

    Mensen Zeggen Dingen speaks out, starts conversations, puts exclamation marks or question marks! The poetry and performance platform has been a welcome and regular guest for ten years, with club shows in venues including Paard (The Hague), Theater Bellevue (Amsterdam), Tivoli Vredenburg (Utrecht), Doornroosje (Nijmegen) and festivals such as Lowlands, Down The Rabbit Hole, Zwarte Cross and Writers Unlimited Festival.

    Festival tip 2: for the full festival experience, yo0u went to the grand festival events Friday Night Unlimited (24 January 2025) and Saturday Night Unlimited (25 January 2025)! Both nights you chose your own route along some 20 performances, readings and conversations on five stages in Theater aan het Spui and Filmhuis Den Haag. English and Dutch spoken.

    Festivaltip 3: as Writers Unlimited reached 30 years of making festivals, we celebrated our anniversary with a show full of music, dance and literature at Amare (Danstheater) on Sunday afternoon, 26 January 2025. You saw and heard Spinvis, Shirma Rouse, XILLAN, Babs Gons, Joost Oomen, Zaïre Krieger, Claudia Karapanou Flamenco Trio, Royal Conservatoire Dance and Pulse led by Eli Wing, among others. Tickets 11 euros (under 29s or students), or 16 - 35 euros (depending on seat chosen).

    From 23 to 26 January 2025, Writers Unlimited International Literature Festival The Hague was to be found in theatres, libraries and schools throughout the city: from Theater aan het Spui, Filmhuis Den Haag, Amare and Paard to Theater Dakota, Theater De Vaillant, the Nieuw Waldeck, Schilderswijk and Ypenburg libraries and De Haagse Hogeschool. With over 120 writers, poets and spoken-word artists and musicians from the Netherlands and abroad. With readings, prose, poetry, storytelling, spoken word, author interviews, topical talks, films and music.