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Bert Jansma

Bert Jansma - foto Koninklijke Schouwburg
Bert Jansma - foto Koninklijke Schouwburg

(Sassenheim, NL, 1942) initially wanted to be an actor but left theatre school after only one year. He then dedicated himself to studying Dutch and founded the literary youth magazine Fase. At the same time, he published his poetry in various other literary magazines and translated drama. He eventually ended up in arts journalism via various odd jobs that paid the bills. He worked (among others) for the newspapers AD, De Haagsche Courant and Het Binnenhof. He also created radio commentaries for Radio West. Although initially hired to cover film and theatre, another great passion became his specialty: jazz. Jansma retired in 2005 but remains active as a journalist for the websites jazzmasters, denhaagjazz and jazzpodium, among others.


Archive available for: Bert Jansma

  • Winternachten 2015 – FRIDAY NIGHT UNLIMITED

    Documentary: Misi met een missie - plus a talk with Cynthia McLeod and director Wilma Ligthart

    In this documentary, director Wilma Ligthart accompanies the royally distinguished Surinamese writer Cynthia McLeod to places that play a role in her life and work. After the screening, film journalist Bert Jansma speaks with both women. The public will have the opportunity to ask questions as well.

  • Winternachten 2015 – FRIDAY NIGHT UNLIMITED

    The Film Choices of Cynthia McLeod

    Cynthia McLeod picks excerpts from her favorite movies and tells film journalist Bert Jansma why they are so important to her. With scenes from Gone With the Wind (1939), the story of spirited Scarlett O'Hara and the American Civil War—and the occasion for the first Oscar won by a black actress (Hattie McDaniel as Mammy), and To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), in which lawyer Gregory Peck defends a young black man in the segregated Alabama of the 1930s.

  • Winternachten 2015 – SATURDAY NIGHT UNLIMITED

    The Film Choices of Adriaan van Dis

    Adriaan van Dis once hosted the VPRO public-television programme "Zomergasten" ("Summer Guests"), in which he talked to guests about film and TV clips. Tonight we turn it around. Film journalist Bert Jansma interviews Van Dis about his favourites. We look at clips from Un prophète (A Prophet, 2009), about the prison system in France; The Attack (2012), about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, 1964), the musical starring Catherine Deneuve and Michel Legrand's enchanting soundtrack; and much more.

  • Winternachten 2013 – Winternacht 2 - schrijvers, muziek en film op vijf podia

    Bas Heijne's film choice

    Dutch newspaper NRC-Handelsblad columnist Bas Heijne writes essays, short stories and plays. And he is a film buff. He chose a number of striking film fragments on the theme 'imagination and creativity in the age of the media'. Film expert and journalist Bert Jansma interviews Heijne about his choice. In Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2012 – Winternacht 1

    Nigeria and Oil: The Book and the Movie

    Journalist and writer Helon Habila wrote an acclaimed novel on the effects of oil-drilling in Nigeria. For Dutch tv Thomas Blom made a high-profile documentary on the same subject: Shell in Nigeria. This led to the company being brought to book in a Dutch parliamentary hearing. A conversation, with footage from the documentary, on the artistic and journalistic choices the writer and documentary filmmaker had to make. On facts, form and fiction. In English.

  • Winternachten 2011 – Winternacht 1

    Film: K. Schippers' Choice

    Our film editor Bert Jansma talks to writer and film buff K. Schippers about his visual sources of inspiration. With highly varied fillm fragments.  In Dutch.

  • Winternachten 2010 – Winternachten 2

    Film: Dirty laundry, clean hands

    The Surinamese documentary maker Frank Zichem has never been afraid to expose controversial themes or wash the dirty linen in public. He has made an impressive number of documentaries, about the economic situation in the completely bankrupt Surinam (Maandi, 1994), on the slavery past in Surinam and Ghana (Katibo Ye Ye, 2003), about trade union leader Louis Doedel (1998) who in 1937 was put in a psychiatric asylum by the colonial government, and on Anton de Kom (We slaves of Surinam, 1999). Tonight Winternachten shows a selection from Zichem's work and journalist Bert Jansma talks to the maker about the dilemma of Dirty laundry, clean hands. Following this there is a programme in de kleine zaal on the same dilemma with Sandew Hira, Junot Diaz and Kettly Mars. In Dutch