Auke Hulst

(Hoogezand-Sappemeer, NL, 1975) modelled his successful third novel, Kinderen van het Ruige Land (Children of the Rough Country, 2012) on his youth; it won several prizes. Slaap zacht, Johnny Idaho (Sleep Sweetly, Johnny Idaho, 2015) and En ik herinner me Titus Broederland (And I Remember Titus Brotherland, 2016) both won the novel prize of the Harland Awards. Aside from writing, Hulst is a literary critic, travel journalist and essayist. In 2017 he initiated Als dit zo doorgaat (If this Goes on), a story collection in which 24 Dutch writers react to the right shift in the political climate. He is also a musician. His books Wolfskleren (Wolf's Clothing, 2009) and Motel Songs (2017) both had accompanying albums and he is the frontman of the Dutch-language band De Meisjes (The Girls).
(WN 2019)Archive available for: Auke Hulst
Book of My Life: Auke Hulst
Writers told us about their favourite book: the book that inspires or touches them, that set their artistic, moral or intellectual compass. In short, the book they would recommend to everyone. Interview: Abdelkader Benali.
Who Wants to Live Forever?
How did they express our (near) future in words or sound? In this literary and musical performance, seven festival authors each presented a new text or poem commissioned by Winternachten, with musical contributions by Syrian-born ud player Jaber Fayad. You saw and heard Ayelet Gundar-Goshen from Israel, HemelBesem from South Africa, Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi from Uganda, Arshia Sattar from India, Leni Zumas from the United States and, from The Netherlands, Auke Hulst and Aafke Romeijn. Their inspiration was the festival theme Who Wants to Live Forever? The authors performed in their mother tongue or writing language with simultaneous projection of the English and/or Dutch translations.
Auke Hulst on writer Philip K. Dick and 'A Scanner Darkly'
Versatile author, composer and musician Auke Hulst is a fan of the American writer Philip K. Dick, who enjoys huge renown and cult status due to his prescience about the downsides of technology, consumption and hedonism. Films such as Blade Runner, Total Recall and Minority Report are based on his work. Hulst told us more about the author, his work, and why it appeals to him, as well as about his favourite film adaptation of Dick's work: A Scanner Darkly by Richard Linklater. The film will be shown as of 22.10 in Filmhuis Zaal 1.