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Astrid Theunissen

Astrid Theunissen - foto Vincent Boon
Astrid Theunissen - foto Vincent Boon

(1968) is a journalist, working for Volkskrant, Nieuwe Revu and HP/De Tijd. She received a great deal of media attention for her interviews with Alicia, one of the two half-sisters of queen Beatrix. In 2010 her book Slappe Zakken! (Drooping Pricks!)appeared about her quest for a man who was willing to father her children. Her conclusion was that men only want sex and don't want to bear any responsibility for a family. Meanwhile Theunissen is a proud single parent.

(WU 2012)

Archive available for: Astrid Theunissen

  • Winternachten 2012 – Winternacht 1

    Wet Dreams on a Winter's Night

    Four liberated writers about the joys of shamelessness. Petra Stienen hosts a discussion on writing about sex, the narrow-minded reactions of (some) men and their 'je m'en fou' attitude vis-a-vis conservative readers. A conversation without embarrassment, without borders, without rules: four women talking about the joys of shamelessness, sprinkled with spicy anecdotes and fine fragments. In English.