Antoine de Kom

(Netherlands, 1956) is a psychiatrist, writer and poet. He is a grandson of the Surinamese anti-colonialist, nationalist and resistance fighter Anton de Kom. He has published the poetry volumes Tropen (Tropics, 1991), De kilte in Brasilia (The Chill in Brasilia, 1995), Zebrahoeven (Zebra Hooves, 2001), Chocoladetranen (Chocolate Tears, 2014) and De lieve geur van zijn of haar (The Sweet Smell of Him or Her, 2008). For years De Kom worked as a psychiatrist at the Pieter Baan Centrum. In 2012 he published Het misdadige brein (The Criminal Brain), in which he employs fictitious conversations with historical criminals to show how reports of suspects are drawn up. He won the VSB Poetry Award for Ritmisch zonder string (Rhythmically without String, 2013).
(WN 2020)Archive available for: Antoine de Kom
Poetry Unlimited: Surinam and Aruba
The Dutch-Surinamese poet Antoine de Kom and Rosabelle Illes from Aruba have a conversation with Chris Keulemans about their work and how roots influence it. Both also read from their own work.
Antoine de Kom is of Dutch-Surinamese background and the grandson of Anton de Kom, the Surinamese nationalist and resistance fighter. De Kom spent a great deal of his youth in Surinam. His first two poetry collections reflect that time: Tropen (Tropics, 1991) and De kilte in Brasilia (The Cold in Brasilia, 1995). The volumes Zebrahoeven (Zebra Hooves, 2001) and Chocoladetranen (Chocolate Tears, 2004) followed. De Kom was nominated for the C. Buddingh Prize and the Ida Gerhardt Poetry Prize, and his latest collection, Ritmisch zonder string (Rhythmic without String, 2013) won the VSB Poetry Prize.
Rosabelle Illes debuted in 2005 with her poetry collection Beyond Insanity. In 2010 she published Spiel di mi Alma, a poetry collection in her mother tongue of Papiamento that reveals a world of contradictions to the reader. Her third book, Title (2016), is a collection of stories, poems and thoughts. On the stage, Illes transforms into a true performer of her poems, carrying away her audience in a stream of words, movement and meaning.
Tip: Rosabelle Illes also appears at Opening Night - A Free Mind on 15 January at Theater aan het Spui, during Worden Worden Zinnen - the Writers Unlimited edition on 16 January at Paard, and with Cynthia McLeod on Saturday, 18 January at the Schilderswijk Library.
Call me, call me!
'Name me, name me, speak to me, o, name me by my deepest name. For those I love, I want to be called,' Neeltje Maria Min wrote some fifty years ago in one of her most famous poems. The deep longing for love and confirmation is translated tonight in music and poetry by the poets Arie Boomsma introduces to us: the onrushing young debutante Kira Wuck, nominated for the C. Buddingh' Prize, the much-praised Alfred Schaffer, living in South Africa, the Dutch Iraqi poet Rodaan Al Galidi, who is perpetually in love and the nominees for the VSB Poetry prize Miriam Van hee and Antoinde de Kom. Interspersed with a magnificent performance by rapper/poet Typhoon.
Programme in cooperation with Poetry International and CPNB
Kevin Dutton, Gerard Spong and Antoine de Kom: The Wisdom of Psychopaths
With: Antoine de Kom, Gerard Spong, Kevin Dutton
Dr Kevin Dutton wrote The wisdom of psychopaths, how psychopathic traits can lead to success in many professional fields. Dutton will exchange thoughts on the subject with renowned Dutch lawyer Gerard Spong. Chaired by poet, writer and forensic psychiatrist Antoine de Kom. In English.
Spot en Satire: Gesprekken, voordrachten en muziek
With: Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Ellen Ombre, Gerrit Komrij, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Rappa, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
19:30 Inloop Band/ DJ
20:00 Opening avond Ingrid Ameraali
20:10 welkomstwoord slotavond Ingrid Ameraali
20:20 Debat over Satire en Spot Peter Snijders, Youssouf, Gerrit Komrij, Rappa, Ellen Ombre, Asli Erdogan, Discussieleider Jerry Egger
20:40 Voordracht Putu Widjaya
20:50 Voordracht Antoine de Kom
21:00 Optreden band Glenn Texeira and band
21:20 Pauze
21:40 Voordracht Celestine Raalte
22:00 Voordracht Rappa
22:10 Voordracht Rappa
22:20 Slotwoord Rielle Mardjo: Voorzitter Lit: Fest:
22:40 Optreden band Glenn Texeira and band/ DJ/Izaline Calister
Afsluiting Avond/ Nababbel -
With: Alakondre, Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Ellen Ombre, Gerrit Komrij, Ingrid Ameraali, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Rappa, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
19:30 Inloop Alakondreband
20:00 Opening festival
20:10 Welkomstwoord door organisaties Stichting Literair Festival Suriname en Stichting Winternachten
20:20 Kennismaking auteurs met Publiek
20:30 Voordracht Ellen Ombre
20:40 Voordracht Peter Snijders
20:50 Voordracht Rappa
21:00 Optreden band Izaline Calister
21:20 Pauze
21:40 Voordracht Youssouf Amine Elalamy
21:50 Voordracht Antoine de Kom
22:00 Voordacht Putu Widjaya
22:10 Optreden band Izaline Calister
22:30 Optreden band Izaline Calister
Afsluiting Avond/ Nababbel DJ -
Optreden voor studenten IOL/Universiteit en scholieren VWO
With: Antoine de Kom, Asli Erdogan, Celestine Raalte, Gerrit Komrij, Ingrid Ameraali, Izaline Calister, Jit Narain, Peter Snyders, Putu Wijaya, Skwala, Youssouf Amine Elalamy
Aula Institute for Graduate & Research Studies (IGRS)
(Programma bestemd voor studenten IOL/Universiteit en VWO)9:30 Inloop DJ
10:00 Introductie en Welkomstwoord Kennismaking Auteurs met publiek Auteurs
10:10 Ingrid Ameerali, MC
10:20 Voordracht antoine de kom
10:30 Voordracht Asli Erdogan
10:40 Voordracht Celestine raalte
10:50 Izaline Calister
11:05 Voordracht
11:15 Voordracht Youssouf Amine Elalamy
11:25 Voordracht Celestine Raalte
11:35 Voordacht Rap band /DJ
11:45 Voordracht Jit Narain
11:55 Voordracht Putu Wijaya
12:05 Voordracht Gerrit Komrij
12:10 Q & A met Jerry Egger
12:45 Einde -
The choice of film by poet Antoine de Kom
The intertwining of life and death is a main theme for the Surinamese/Dutch poet Antoine de Kom. It is the starting point for his choice of film excerpts, chosen from the work of Werner Herzog (Aguirre/Fitzcarraldo) and from film material of the saxophone player John Coltrane.
Surinam, land of my dreams
After growing up in Surinam the poets Antoine de Kom and Raj Ramdas chose a future in the Netherlands. However the Surinamese author Tessa Leuwsha - her debut novel wil appear in 2004 - grew up in the Netherlands, and chose a future in the country of her parents, Surinam. Three authors discuss the role that the Netherlands and Surinam play in their work. What are the dreams and ideals that are important for them?
Surinamese and Papiamentu anthologies
Jeroen Vullings presented a programme with two anthologists. Michiel van Kempen, editor of an anthology of Surinamese literature, talked to Aart Broek, editor of a recently published anthology of Papiamentu literature. Broek introduced three Antillian authors: Gibi Bacilio, a poet and performer form Curaçao, accompanied by percussionist Xavier Cordoba; Frank Martinus Arion (Curaçao) and the Dutch Aruban writer Denis Henriquez. Michiel van Kempen introduced Antoine de Kom and Jit Narain, from Suriname.