Andrés Neuman

(Argentina, 1977) is a writer, poet, translator, columnist and blogger. Born in Argentina and the son of a violinist and an hoboist he grew up in the Spanish town of Granada from the age of fourteen. He studied Spanish letters and lectured Latin American literature at the University of Granada before breaking through with the tome Traveller of the Century. The story takes place in a fictitious 19th century European village, involving an impossible relationship between the translator Hans and his intellectual peer Sophie. According to the Volkskrant this novel equals A Hundred Years of Solitude and The Green House 'in terms of ambition, erudition and vitality'. In his latest novel Talking to Ourselves a terminally ill man, his wife and son each tell their own story, confronted with the approaching death of the father. Neuman is a fanatical blogger. According to the cultural magazine El Cultural his blog Microrréplicas is one of the best literary blogs in Spanish.
(WU 2014 GR)Archive available for: Andrés Neuman
Andrés Neuman interviewed by Bas Heijne: On Grief and Comfort
With: Andrés Neuman, Bas Heijne
Essayist and NRC Handelsblad columnist Bas Heijne talks to Argentine writer Andrés Neuman, author of Traveller of the Century, one of the most important Latin American writers of the new generation.
Early 2014 Neuman's latest novel Hablar solos (Talking to Ourselves) will be published in a Dutch translation. A raw, but at the same time tender novel about sex and death, an intense homage to all those who had to nurse a loved-one. Bas Heijne talks to the writer about grief and the comfort of words.
In English.
"Neuman is not only a sparkling acquisition for Latin American literature, but for European literature too." (Volkskrant)"The literature of the 21st century belongs to Neuman and a few of his blood brothers." (Roberto Bolaño, author of 2666)
The Text of my Life: Andrés Neuman
Which texts from world literature has the Argentine writer Andrés Neuman cherished as long as he lives? This most beautiful or most inspiring text can be a poem, an excerpt from a novel or a song-text. He discusses the text with the audience. In English.
Like me. Please like me. Opening Lecture by Amin Maalouf
See me. Hear me. Read me. Appreciate me. Be like me. Do like me. Join me: with the democratisation of the media owing to the Internet and the social media, there is a growing longing for recognition. Not only do celebrities have a stage to sparkle on, all those with a blog, Facebook or Twitter account can create their own little kingdom and think themselves a poet, a writer, a political expert or an expert on the environment. Boundaries fade; idols and politicians can be reached on Twitter, making it seem as if one really counts. And a like or a retweet is the reward. New online communities are formed, not hindered by national borders or local politics. The new world citizen creates his own virtual society of kindred spirits. What does it mean to live in a virtual world and what are the consequences for people's identities? Amin Maalouf ponders the deper layers and consequences behind a simple request: Like me. Followed by a debate on the topic. In English.