Allard Schröder
made his debut in 1989 with the novel De gave van Luxuria (Luxuria's Gift). This was followed two years later by De muziek van de zwarte toetsen (The Music of the Black Keys). With Raaf (Raven), Schröder found a wider audience. The stories in Het pak van Kleindienst (Kleindienst's Suit) is situated along varying moments in history. The atmosphere is menacing and mysterious. In his novel Grover Schröder looks into a number of essential questions of life. De Hydrograaf (The Hydrographer) was awarded the AKO literature prize and is a curious novel in which the patterns of the sea reflect those of love. In 2005 the novel Favonius appeared and early 2006 the collection of essays Nieuwe tijden (Modern Times) was published.
Archive available for: Allard Schröder
VPRO's OVT - Live in Winternachten
With: Allard Schröder, H.J.A. Hofland, Jakarta Street Band, Mathijs Deen, Paul van der Gaag, Thomas Rosenboom
The last sounds from Winternachten 2007 were heard on Sunday morning from The Hague in a live broadcast of OVT, the history programme of VPRO radio.
The programme was dedicated to Winternachten and the relationship between history and literature. Writer Thomas Rosenboom talked about his reworking of the African letters of Focquenbroch (1640-1670), written during his stay at fort El Mina, the Dutch slave depot on Afrca's westcoast. In addition there was attention for Jonathan Swift's fictitious travel novel Gulliver's Travels and its rewriting at Winternachten. Writer Allard Schröder told about his chapter in Gulliver's New Travels. H.J.A. Hofland read his column on explorers. In this broadcast attention was paid to the research programme of the Dutch Institute for War Documentation about the decolonization process in Indonesia. The results of the research were presented during Winternachten.
In search of the soul. Part 3: Art
If there is one occupational group tackling its own spiritual welfare then is is the artists' guild. Are the eyes the mirror of the soul? Is the soul paramount? What benefits the soul the most, the world or an Elysian island? What would Achterberg have meant with 'And in an eternal whirling loss/of flower and sun and horizon/thy quiet soul's horizons rose/blue all round the heart'? What purpose is a similarly high-flown ideal to a writer, a visual artist or a composer? Writer Allard Schröder, visual artist Theo Jansen and composer Klaas de Vries were in search of the enchantment or disenchantment of art. Dutch spoken.
Gulliver's New Travels
'My little friend Grildrig... I cannot but conclude that the majority of your inhabitants belongs to the most damaging and the most detestable vermin that Mother nature ever allowed to walk on the face of the earth,' Jonathan Swift wrote in his famous 'travel story' Gulliver's Travels. Today only the cartoon-film version is known, but Swift wanted more than just entertain. He wanted to hold a mirror to people's faces. Nukila Amal (Indonesia), Rustum Kozain (South Africa), Atte Jongstra and Allard Schröder found new destinations for Gulliver. Together they wrote Gullivers New Travels and they brought this contemporary version to the stage in Winternachten, directed by Carel Alphenaar. English spoken.