Aleid Truijens

(Amsterdam, NL 1955) writes for daily newspapers and mgazines, particularly about art, literature, upbringing and education. In 2012 she published a book about these topics. In it she sketches the dilemmas of modern parenthood. In her weekly column for Volkskrant too Truijens writes a lot about upbringing and education. She made her debut in 2004 with Geen nacht zonder (Not a Night without), about a four-year old girl suffering from leukemia and the impact it has of the family. This novel was translated in German. Her second novel Vriendendienst (Friendly Turn; 2007) is about a bunch of schoolfriends taking stock together around their fiftieth birthday. They are all traumatised by the early suicide of one of their friends. In 2011 her biography about the writer F.B. Hotz appeared, about whom she had already published in the 1990s. In 1997 she published a biography of the renowned Dutch writer Hella Haasse.
(WU 2013 GR)Archive available for: Aleid Truijens
Ngwatilo Mawiyoo: The text of my life
For the Kenian poet and singer Ngwatilo Miwiyoo the text of her life is the novel 'No longer at ease' by Chinua Achebe. Why? You'll hear from her, after she had read one page of the book. In English.
Ece Temelkuran's text of her life
Ece Temelkuran is a leading journalist and writer from Turkey. In the Greenhouse she talks to the audience and to hosts Manon Uphoff and Aleid Truijens about a poem by Emily Dickinson. To her it is the text of her life. In English.
Thé Tjong Khing: The image of my life
One of the most well-known illustrators and strip cartoonists of the Netherlands. What images have remained with him all his life? Manon Uphoff and Aleid Truijens talk to him and the audience about the images he shows us, and why they inspired him so strongly.
Peter van Dongen: the text of my life
Peter van Dongen, maker of comic strips, has chosen a text by the Dutch East-Indian writer Tjalie Robinson as the text of his life. He will explain why to the audience and to hostesses Aleid Truijens and Manon Uphoff. In Dutch.
Bas Heijne's text of his life
Dutch critic and essay-writer Bas Heijne reads a fragment from the Dutch novel De Stille Kracht by Louis Couperus. Want to know why this text means so much to him? Come to the Greenhouse, and talk to him and hosts Manon Uphoff and Aleid Truijens about his choice. In Dutch.
Nelleke Noordervliet: The text of my life
About the text of her life Nelleke Noordervliet says: "Medea in Euripides' tragedy of the same name. A profound first confrontation at grammar school. That first monologue addressing the women of Corinth, she, a stranger, a woman..." She talks about the text with Manon Uphoff and Aleid Truijens, and to the audience in the Greenhouse.
Denise Jannah: The text of my life
'Voor een dag van morgen', the Dutch poem by Hans Andreaus is a text that jazz singer Denise Jannah his lived with for a long time. She even put it to music. Why? She will tell you, and interviewers Manon Uphoff and Aleid Truijens. In Dutch.
Thomas von der Dunk: The text of my life
The greenhouse just outside the theatre is the place to hang out with smokers. What you can't do inside, you can do outside. And there they are, listening via loudspeakers to what's happening in the Greenhouse Effect. Peering through the glass they see Manon Uphoff and Aleid Truijens receiving writers. Someone else every twenty minutes. Now it's Thomas von der Dunk's turn, the cultural philosopher. The festival asked him the question: what text changed his life. Which poem or which fragment from a novel. He doens't know. There is so much... Maybe he'll find out tonight. You ask him! Programme in Dutch.
Frank Westerman: The text of my life
Dutch Writer Frank Westerman reads a two-line quote to you to explain what to him is the text of his life. Do you want to know why the novel Chevengur by Andrei Platonov means so much to him? Come to the Greenhouse, and talk to him and hosts Manon Uphoff and Aleid Truijens about his choice. In Dutch.
Wim Brands: The text of my life
For one night Manon Uphoff and Aleid Truijens are hosts in the Greenhouse. In this glass house just outside the theatre they receive a series of writers who will tell you what the most important text in their lives is: a poem, or a fragment from a novel they has stayed with them throughout their lives. First guest: Wim Brands. He not only hosts the Sunday morning tv programme Brands met Boeken (Brands with Books), but he's also a poet. And tonight he is the devotee. Who talks with you about why an Ezra Pound poem is so important to him. In Dutch.