Ad van Liempt

(Utrecht, NL 1949) is the author of various non-fiction books on WWII and a maker of television programmes. He was editor-in-chief of Nova (a Dutch current affairs programme) and fouder and editor-in-chief of Andere Tijden, a history programme on Dutch national tv, heading the history department. He also headed the history department of NPS (Dutch public television). He wrote the script and did the final editing of the tv series De oorlog (The War). Previously he wrote Kopgeld, a shocking and revealing book on the activities of Jew hunters in 1943. In 2009 he was elected historian of the year. In January 2014 his new book appears: Na de bevrijding - de loodzware jaren 1945-1950 (After liberation - the difficult years 1945-1950). The book accompanies the seven-episode television series which NTR is broadcasting from January 2014.
(WU 2014 GR)Archive available for: Ad van Liempt
With: Ad van Liempt, Ian Buruma, Jacques Janssen, Jos Palm, Neco Novellas, Nelleke Noordervliet, Paul van der Gaag
One of the best listened-to programmes on Radio 1 is VPRO's OVT (Simple Past Tense). Every Sunday morning the topicality of history takes centre stage. It has become something of a tradition for the programme to be broadcast live from the festival and therefore it relocates to The Hague. This time to be broadcast live for an audience, from the warm foyer of Theater aan het Spui.
Paul van der Gaag and Jos Palm are the hosts and there is live music by Neco Novellas. Ian Buruma, Jacques Janssen and Nelleke Noordervliet are guests, among others. Music by Neco Novellas. Members of the public are invited to come and both admission and coffee are free. But please, don't forget to book through the link at the top of this page.
The great estrangement: East-West 1945-1950
We plunge into a crucial episode in our history: 1945-1950. WOII had ended, but in the former Dutch East Indies the struggle which went hand in hand with colonisation was still raging vehemently. Ian Buruma looks into East-West relations in 1945 in his latest book The Year Zero. In January Ad van Liempt publishes his After Liberation: the Bad Years between 1945-1950, a book and a seven-part tv series in which he deals with the changing relation between the Netherlands and the former Dutch East Indies. The Indonesian writer Linda Christanty opens the programme with her view on that period, which changed the balance of power for good and Indonesia breaking away from the Netherlands. In Dutch.
Charles Lewinsky and Ad van Liempt
With: Ad van Liempt, Charles Lewinsky
An evening on resistance and treason in World War II. In his latest novel Charles Lewinsky writers about the dilemma of the jewish actor and director Kurt Gerron. In Theresienstadt the SS asks him to make a movie in which the humiliating life in the ghetto is represented as a paradise. To refuse would mean a transport to Auschwitz. To cooperate would be self-betrayal.
In his latest book 'The hunt on the resistance', the Dutch journalist Ad van Liempt describes how the Germans suppressed the Dutch underground resistance, with help of Dutch countrymen.The two authors will talke to writer Judith Uyterlinde on treason and resistance..
At the end of the evening the writers will sign their books at the Paagman Bookshop in the venue. The conversation is in English.
Sponsored by Fonds 1818, Uitgeverij Signatuur and Uitgeverij Balans.