Abdelhay Moudden

(Morocco) received his B.A. from the Faculty of Law at Mohamed V University in Rabat, his M.A. in Political Science from the University of West Florida, and his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Michigan. He has been teaching political science and international relations at university in Rabat since 1978. He has been a Fulbright scholar at the School for International Training and Marlboro College in Vermont, lectured widely around the world, and published a number of professional articles in his fields. He published two novels in Arabic. One in 1996 and a second in 2003 - The Farewell Sermon - which won the Moroccan Book Award. Abdelhay Moudden is a former member of the Moroccan Truth and Reconciliation Commission and is currently a member of the Consultative Council for Human Rights. He is married and has one daughter.
Archive available for: Abdelhay Moudden
Authority and Dialogue
With: Abdelhay Moudden, Andrej Koerkov, Bejan Matur, Driss Ksikes, Iman Humaydan, Nelleke Noordervliet, Ngwatilo Mawiyoo
A panel discussion, including readings by the participating authors. On what basis can we identify the souces of 'authority' in a dialogue across nations? Morality? Expertise? International Law? Ideologies? Esthetics? On what basis do we settle the question of right and wrong. Do such concepts as multiculturalism, pluralism, diversity, tolerance still hold? Moderated by Abdelhay Moudden. The Moroccan participants will be published later this week.
Presentation of the Kurdish novel Sivane Kurmance
With: Abdelhay Moudden, Diana Ferrus, Frank Westerman, Lasana M. Sekou
Hoogtepunt van het bezoek van de schrijvers aan Diyarbakir was de slotavond waarin alle auteurs voorlazen uit de zojuist verschenen eerste editie in het Koerdisch van wat wordt gezien als de eerste Koerdische roman, 'Koerdische herder', van Ereb Semo.
Met İnci Aral, Markar Esayan Lasana M. Sekou, Diana Ferrus, Abdelhay Moudden, Frank Westerman, Mueyed Teyib Şêrzad Barzanî, Vecdi Erbay, Irfan Babaoğlu, Azad Zal, Evrim Alataş, Kesk müzik grubu, Dengbejler Dicle-Fırat. In aanwezigheid van en deelname van de burgemeester van Diyarbakir. Dhr. Osman Baydemir.
Diyarbakir - Sümerpark - debate
With: Abdelhay Moudden, Diana Ferrus, Frank Westerman, Lasana M. Sekou
Twee debatprogramma's in Diyarbakir.
Dyarbakir - opening programme
With: Abdelhay Moudden, Diana Ferrus, Frank Westerman, Lasana M. Sekou
In Diyarbakir traden de auteurs samen op met Turkse, Iraakse en Iraanse auteurs, o.a. Mueyed Teyib, Şêrzad Barzanî, İnci Aral. Arjen Arî, Aslı Erdoğan, Vecdi Erbay, Evrim Alataş, Markar Esayan, en Ayça Damgacı.
Istanbul - Winternachten reading
With: Abdelhay Moudden, Diana Ferrus, Frank Westerman, Lasana M. Sekou
Voor studenten gaven de schrijvers een lezing in Mavikum Bookshop in Istanbul.
Istanbul - Literature Café with Hare - City and the Other
With: Abdelhay Moudden, Diana Ferrus, Frank Westerman, Lasana M. Sekou
In het ITEF Festival in Istanbul gingen de schrijvers in gesprek in een literair café, Kaktus Cihangir Café.