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Presenting the new programme team for the 25th edition of the Winternachten Festival

Redactie Winternachten 2020: Francis Broekhuijsen, Fiep van Bodegom, Ilonka Reintjens, Gerlinda Heywegen en Ebissé Rouw
Redactie Winternachten 2020: Francis Broekhuijsen, Fiep van Bodegom, Ilonka Reintjens, Gerlinda Heywegen en Ebissé Rouw

The new programming team of the Winternachten festival is now complete. The team of five prepares the upcoming edition.

The new team of program makers will be lead by Ilonka Reintjens. She succeeds Shervin Nekuee, who held this role for the past three festival editions. Ilonka is an editor, book publisher and organiser of literary events for among others, Writers Unlimited and its Winternachten festival.
Ebissé Rouw and Fiep van Bodegom are the new member of programming team. Fiep publishes in national weekly magazine Groene Amsterdammer and literary magazine De Gids, and works on a novel. Ebissé works for the Raad voor Cultuur, is a co-editor of literary podcast Dipsaus and co-editor of the short stories collection Zwart (Black, 2018).
Continuing as members of the programming team are Francis Broekhuijsen and Gerlinda Heywegen. Francis is an actor, stage host and programme maker for among others the Winternachten festival. Gerlinda is a writer, programme maker and lecturer specialized in film and filmmaking.

Posted on: Friday 17 May 2019