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Friday 20 September: Opening 4th Week of the African Novel

v.l.n.r. Abdelkader Benali, Frazer & Deniel Barry, Pieter Odendaal, Riana Scheepers, Valda Jansen, Eben Venter en Karin Brynard
v.l.n.r. Abdelkader Benali, Frazer & Deniel Barry, Pieter Odendaal, Riana Scheepers, Valda Jansen, Eben Venter en Karin Brynard

Writers Unlimited opens the Week of the African Novel with a festive programme on contemporary Afrikaans literature, language, art and music in the Centrale Bibliotheek.

We welcome seven authors and musicians from South Africa who enter into conversation with writer Abdelkader Benali. Meet musician couple Frazer and Deniel Barry (Tribal Echo, Krotoa), journalist and writer of literary thrillers Karin Brynard (Plaasmoord, Onse vaders), poet and translator Pieter Odendaal (Asof geen berge ooit hier gewoon het nie), authors Eben Venter ((Foxtrot van die vleiseters, Ek stamel, ek sterwe) and Riana Scheepers (Stormkind) and journalist, poet and writer Valda Jansen (Monitor, Hy come with those skoenlappers)!

Venue: Centrale Bibliotheek - Studio B, Spui 68 Den Haag. This programme is in Afrikaans, English and Dutch. Admission: 10 | Members library, CJP, Ooievaarspas 7, - | Students for free. Online tickets are available here.

The programme has been compiled by Writers Unlimited in collaboration with the Week van de Afrikaanse roman. The fourth edition will take place from Friday 20 to Sunday 29 September 2019 in the Netherlands and Flanders. This reading campaign focuses on African-language literature in Dutch translation. The complete programme overview can be found on the website of Week van de Afrikaanse roman.

Posted on: Wednesday 3 July 2019