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International Literature Festival The Hague

Winternachten 2016

Thu 14 January - Sun 17 January 2016

Dozens of international authors, great Dutch writers and promising newcomers joined together at Winternachten, the Netherlands' finest international literature festival. The public could bask in the cosmopolitan atmosphere, have conversations with authors about favourite books or films, and find inspiration in readings, debates and discussions. Bearing the slogan "Hello Darkness," the 21st edition of the festival went in search of the face of evil: light and dark, serious and silly, big themes or the human dimension. From Connie Palmen to Jung Chang (China), from P.F. Thomése to Neel Mukherjee (India), from Adriaan van Dis to Adonis (France/Syria)), and from Maud Vanhauwaert to Karl Ove Knausgård (Norway): the writers had the floor.


Saturday 16 January 2016  