Winternachten 2013
Mon 14 January - Sun 20 January 2013
Writing the unspeakable, making it discussible, penetrating into the innermost corners of the soul: writers are pre-eminently in a position to do just that – no matter whether it concerns intimate experiences or the countries they live in.
With the motto Wanna Know a Secret, Writers Unlimited presents its international literature festival in The Hague from 17-20 January 2013 in Theater aan het Spui and Filmhuis Den Haag, with a closing afternoon in the Koninklijke Schouwburg. The festival is one of those rare occasions where writers from all corners of the world get together before an interested and varied audience.
With 100 participants, a.o. Hanaan-As-Sjaikh, Amos Oz, Manon Uphoff, David Van Reybrouck, Bas Heijne, Adriaan van Dis, Nelleke Noordervliet, Joke van Leeuwen, Nico Dijkshoorn, Ronald Giphart, Peter Buwalda, Hans Goedkoop,, Mohamed Magani, Petra Stienen en Alberto Manguel.