Slow Winternachten festival February & March 2021
Sun 28 February - Sat 20 March 2021

Watch all the programmes, poems, short stories, interviews, spoken word and music performances of the online Winternachten international literature festival The Hague 2021!
Scroll on for the festival overview, click the programme of your choice and start the video. View for free and when you want.
Due to coronavirus restrictions, the Winternachten festival 2021 could not place in The Hague's theatres, libraries and schools. We did make five festival programmes of 75 minutes each. We gladly keep the video registrations of these programmes, live streamed from 13 - 17 January 2021, available here for free viewing.
Authors from home and abroad approached the festival theme It's Up to Us in conversations and readings with creative energy. The deployed literary power for new perspectives on women's rights, climate injustice, self-care as protest and a planet in which non-human creatures and objects also have a voice. Along with the programmes, we present the previously filmed and commissioned short stories, essays and poems.
An addition to the #SoulCare-theme is an interview by Gerlinda Heywegen with writer Eva Meijer about depression, based on her book De grenzen van mijn taal (The limits of my language). The interview is Dutch spoken.
Also view the video poems made by Spot on Young Poets participants. Their personal images, poems and wishes portray a generation that is struggling during the corona pandemic.
Welcome to the Slow Winternachten festival 2021!
with a.o.
Alexis Wright
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Amahl Raphael Khouri
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Arnon Grunberg
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Dilâra Gürcü
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Eva Meijer
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Ilonka Reintjens
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Koleka Putuma
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Leena Norms
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Mithu Sanyal
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Mona Eltahawy
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Nazmiye Oral
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Raoul de Jong
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Salena Godden
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Samanta Schweblin
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Sulaiman Addonia
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Tsitsi Dangarembga
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Zsófia Bán